Reverse: for the Standing People

Reverse: for the Standing People

“Reverse: for the Standing People” to Linda Briskin’s photograph “A Please From the Earth” filmed by Todd Porter of Black Moon Productions. Reverse: for the Standing People                       after Linda Briskin’s “A Plea from the Earth” Over-exposed, (or...
Goose, Plummeting

Goose, Plummeting

Look and you might see the farmer, his pails set down, gazing up at the arrowhead flight-pattern of geese –the precision-point leader headingtwo lines in his wake.The farmer rubs his sore muscles,tight from the pull of pails, and marvelsat the grace of wings, communal...
Triptych for One Loon

Triptych for One Loon

I am so grateful to be included with three poems and a reflection in this wonderful anthology of poetry and pondering about places in Ontario.   film by  Todd Porter music by Tanya Porter I.Loon on lapping Lake Ontario,past the salt docks and raked sand.Suddenly...
Ode To My Breath

Ode To My Breath

Ode to My Breath O breath, you are with meeven when I sleep—you fill me, then empty,expand and contract me;always and everywhere yourinflation and deflationare my inspiration— O breath, you were the firstthing into my mouth at birthand shall be the last to leave at...


Faith by Kate Marshall Flaherty And here is “Faith,” accompanied by a Gabe Flaherty original soundtrack composition. Thank you Gabriel! Faith So I read this poem about a...
Poplar Grove

Poplar Grove

Poplar Grove by Kate Marshall Flaherty Here is “Poplar Grove” with thanks to my talented son Gabe for recording and to Kye Marshall for her lovely cello accompaniment....