Audio of Moon-Me by Poet Kate Marshall Flaherty
Music by Gabe Flaherty

I’m so glad to have had another opportunity to collaborate with my son Gabe Flaherty — I love the way Gabe’s music enhances the poetry, in this case exploring the “yin” with a mesmerizing lunar bed-track, with subtle waves, shifts and warm pads

Check out his website for more examples of his gifts and projects:


There is a moon inside every human being
learn to be companions with it ~ Rumi

The one moon I know
,,,,,,,,,,has countless sisters
throughout the cosmos, but hers
is the one face I see—

hers the one with sliding shadows
and silver-lit-ness,

the one that pulls our tides
,,,,,,,,,,births our babes, slivers and shimmers,

O moon, I have prayed to you—
,,,,,,,,,,Above. In space. Beyond. Have always
,,,,,,,,,,seen you outside myself, but now I am told you
are within me—that

I am brimming with moon-ness—

Are you in my gut? My brain-dreams
or throat hollow?

My wolf howls to you

I too have a dark face, cold side,
craters. I too can be cold
when the sun makes me

I too feel depressions,

footprints and flags
,,,,,,,,,,in grainy b/w—

orbiting circles,
,,,,,,,,,,warming and cooling
,,,,,,,,,,round a hotter orb

Only from your cratered face
did I see my whole self—

Moon I shall not call you you at all,

but declare

that I might learn to love
lesser gravity