I am so proud of the beautiful music created by my talented son, Gabe Flaherty, that accompanies several of the most recent poems.

Reverse: for the Standing People

Reverse: for the Standing People

“Reverse: for the Standing People” to Linda Briskin’s photograph “A Please From the Earth” filmed by Todd Porter of Black Moon Productions.

Goose, Plummeting

Goose, Plummeting

Look and you might see the farmer, his pails set down, gazing up at the arrowhead flight-pattern of geese –the...

Triptych for One Loon

Triptych for One Loon

I am so grateful to be included with three poems and a reflection in this wonderful anthology of poetry and pondering...

Healing Tree

Healing Tree

I am delighted to collaborate with cellist Kye Marshall, with whom we improvised to create this Healing Tree poem to...

Ode To My Breath

Ode To My Breath

O breath, you are with me
even when I sleep—
you fill me, then empty,
expand and contract me;
always and everywhere your
inflation and deflation
are my inspiration—



Here is “Faith,” accompanied by a Gabe Flaherty original soundtrack composition.

Poplar Grove

Poplar Grove

Thanks to cellist Kye Marshall for her touching cello music to accompany this poem—what a joy to collaborate.



I love the way Gabe’s music enhances this poem.



I am thrilled to collaborate again with my talented son, Gabe Flaherty, in this poem.



I’m delighted to mount our video poem,“Canoe,” as part of the King Foundation Georgian Bay Project. I’m so honoured to...

Jack Pine

Jack Pine

I am proud to mount “Jack Pine,” with music by my son Gabe Flaherty, the location sound man, and dear friend Mark...

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

I am so proud to add this Georgian Bay Project winner “Rose Quartz,” featuring my son Gabe Flaherty’s music and sound,...

Practicing Like Water

Practicing Like Water

I am honoured that Lori H. Ersomaz chose my poem, "Practicing Like Water,” read by Nik Sebastian, from Moving Poems,...

Reaching V

Reaching V

REACHING VEE  A performance by Toronto poet Kate Marshall Flaherty. Music by Mark Korven. V On this train, snow wings...

A Mouse’s Prayer

A Mouse’s Prayer

Poet Kate Marshall Flaherty performs her poem A MOUSE'S PRAYER Videography and music by Mark KorvenA Mouse's Prayer 0...



I am pleased that my poem, “Sisters,” is in the League of Canadian Poet’s tree poem anthology, Heartwood, for the Love...



Sel is from my forthcoming book, Titch. I am honoured it was chosen for National Poetry Month’s Poem in your Pocket...

Far Away

Far Away

Toronto Poet Kate Marshall Flaherty recites her poem "Far Away". The two man film crew (musicians Mark Korven and Tony...