Reverse: for the Standing People

Reverse: for the Standing People

“Reverse: for the Standing People” to Linda Briskin’s photograph “A Please From the Earth” filmed by Todd Porter of Black Moon Productions. Reverse: for the Standing People                       after Linda Briskin’s “A Plea from the Earth” Over-exposed, (or...

Autumn 2024 StillPoint Writing Workshops

Dates for Autumn 2024 Writing Circles Please Note: STILLPOINT WRITING WORKSHOPS will be held on Zoom virtually until further notice. Sunday, September 22 Sunday, October 27 Sunday, November 3  Monday, November 11 Monday, December 15 Wednesday, December 18 Each...
Goose, Plummeting

Goose, Plummeting

Look and you might see the farmer, his pails set down, gazing up at the arrowhead flight-pattern of geese –the precision-point leader headingtwo lines in his wake.The farmer rubs his sore muscles,tight from the pull of pails, and marvelsat the grace of wings, communal...